Sunday, October 19, 2008

That's it for another update

I'm sorry daddy is so slow with these things. I'm sure as soon as I really understand how slowly he updates my blog, I'll light a fire under him and see if I can improve his work rate. Daddy's excuse about Oliver keeping him awake and disturbing him all the time is starting to wear a bit thin. Oliver only sleeps once or twice during the day now and only wakes up briefly once at night. He's started eating a lot more. Daddy says he eats nearly as much as I do (his bottles are the same size), and he eats very fast. I like to enjoy dinner times, the longer the better. Anyway, daddy had better finish up and go to bed now before he starts rambling.

See you next time!

Now it's daddy's turn to lie down

... and be jumped on! Oliver has been able to pull himself up to standing since mid-October, and has even climbed the first half of the stairs a couple of times. I have enjoyed Oliver's company once or twice in the last few weeks, but most of the time, I shout things I've learned from mummy and daddy: "Don't touch", "No, mine", "bu yao dong!". But the thing that really annoys daddy is when I run to him shouting "Teacher! You see you see you see!".

Oliver mobile in October!

Then in October, he suddenly just took off like a rat up an drainpipe! We have to keep the downstairs bathroom door locked shut now, he loves to crawl out there, and behind the sofas, and under the table, anywhere and everywhere! He has a very stylish crawl, with his belly in contact with the floor rolling his shoulders and hips like a freestyle swimmer. He got his first tooth about the same time too, so he leaves a bit of a trail wherever he goes. He's not very dribbly. Daddy says I wasn't very dribbly either, but there was nobody to follow me around shrieking "Eeeww!" every 10 seconds.

Lying down until September

...and that was it for the next few months. It was a big relief. All Oliver wanted to do was turn over, watch and laugh. I didn't pay him much attention, just running to get mummy or daddy if Oliver poked his legs over the side of his bed.

Taking the world in

That was it for another few months. Oliver seemed to be content to take the world in after that. Whenever he could, he'd turn himslef over onto his front and look around. If he couldn't, more whinging. It was comparatively easy to entertain Oliver for a while, mummy or daddy just had to turn him onto his belly, and he'd just look and be happy.

And then Oliver got out of his bed

How exciting! Mummy and Daddy almost wept for joy. After nearly 6 months of lying on his back whinging, he flipped over at the end of July and seemed impressed with himself. Apparently I was demonstrating my (assisted) walking skills in Thailand when I was only 5 months old, so Oliver's taking his time.

Do I look big in this?

Daddy keeps saying we'll go clothes shopping, but it never seems to happen. This is also from July. 3 months have gone by since this photo was taken and daddy still hasn't bought me any new clothes. Time to stop reading Malaysian political blogs daddy, and start browsing clothes shops!

Daddy doesn't like to see me using a bottle still, but he's outvoted. All that talk about democracy, and he still wants his own way - what a silly billy!

Time to catch up

Everything that hasn't happened in the last 6 months is Oliver's fault. That's what daddy says. Oliver did spend a lot of time crying and power napping. Then at nights he spent a lot of time crying and not sleeping at all. He's a lot better now, sometimes we even play together nicely when mummy and daddy are watching. This picture is from July, Oliver's about 4 months old

He eats a lot better than I did when I was a baby, apparently. Mummy and Daddy say I was much less trouble. Seems like I'm in credit - time to spend!